Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Another Semester

Well... Here I am...

'Bout to start another semester...

As usual I can't wait to get started...

As usual I'm also worried that this feeling of "actually doing good this semester and getting A's and B's" will soon fade.

Another semester 'bout to start...

Going back to the place of so many good memories...

But also the place of so many heartaches...

Just thinking about the first two semester of college brings back so many emotions...

Images of building snowman in January...

Walking by the ponds holding your hand in March...

Asking the question that we both knew that I was going to ask ...

The one we had been talking about for a month or so ...

And you saying "Sure"  .....

Hanging out in the buildings with the group...

Not a care in the world but going to class and doing the work...

Then it gets bad...

Having him show up after 4 months and almost ruining us...

My stupid decision of talking to her...

Skipping math class the first semester to talk to her and end up paying for it for 2 years (literally paying for it)...

In a way I hope that you are still going to Richland...

And hope that by some miracle you would give me a second chance....

But we all make our choices and are forced to deal with them for the rest of our life

We all have choices ...

I just chose the wrong one...

A lot...

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